Calix has a particular role to play in Spiritual elevation which is sobriety and beyond (Father Martin). I have taken this to mean that I have accepted God’s will – in all my endeavours – through the Catholic Church that offers a variety of sacraments and rituals that allow for spiritual growth and strength. There is also the Saints to encourage us and guide us with their Holy lives.
Once I was able to recognise through the “Gift of Desperation “ again and again that I am powerless over not only alcohol, but most other issues that present themselves in my life, I had a strong and clear calling to the Catholic faith that was given to me at my birth. This in itself was a miracle as my mother was a Jew who escaped Lithuania by adopting the Catholic Faith. Even when I was unwell – and emotionally and psychologically unable to be there for them – all of my children were baptised and received the sacrament of Confirmation. I have my mother and sister-in- law to thank for this. In my unwellness, I had reached a point where there was no other solution but to seek something bigger than myself to restore me to a way of sane thinking that included a faith in God. This faith enabled me to become willing and to make a decision to have God direct my life from then on.
Calix can and does assist in a specific way to guide alcoholics and their families to a deeper spiritual reflection which is granted to us through confession – the most Holy Mass – and other spiritual practices ordained by the Church, such as Lent. I have become increasingly willing to include spiritual reflection daily which is granted to me through the Church, for it is the Holy Spirit given to us through Christ ascending to Heaven that draws me closer and closer to Jesus. It is Jesus who gives me the knowledge in the scriptures of my defects and short-comings. I have come to recognise that I can humbly invite Him to remove the “deeds that I do and the deeds that I fail to do” that crop up every day – and they do crop up daily. I see this as “Glimpses of the Devil”, the title of a book by M. Scott Peck that is worth reading.
My sure and simple way to follow Christ is by asking for forgiveness from those I have harmed, by surrounding myself with friends that value and cherish the Catholic way of life and from praying and staying very close to Jesus Christ by reading the scriptures and attending the Holy Mass – Holy Hour. Catholic organisations such as Cursillo, Marriage Encounter, The Divine Mercy Nurses and the 12 Steps of Calix are a few organisations that I support.
I found the 12 Steps of AA – Alanon and ACOA useful but not complete as they lack in the depth of Christ and His teachings in the scriptures. There is so much choice on a path to wellness. I personally use the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet to meditate. Psalm 91 is my favourite psalm and the reassurance offered in its fine words has given me a deep faith that God loves me personally Through the Holy Spirit, I am able to pass on what God ordains for me to pass on: the knowledge that is given to me to know, to understand and to bless for that day only, in the name of my higher power, Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit that comes to assist.
That is what is called a miracle.
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